Category Archives: Presentations

The Paper Version of the Web

Hi Strangers!

This article is a few months old, but thought I’d post for posterity. Fun?


People have been sketching user interfaces since the birth of the web (possibly even before) but the sketches usually stay locked away in old notebooks and discarded bar napkins in Austin, Texas. Many of the websites we use started out as scrawlings, and with people like Jakob Nielsen and Bill Buxton spreading the gospel of faster, cheaper paper prototypes, “next year’s Twitter” may already exist on paper.

We don’t usually get to see this handmade stage of the web, but some folks have been thoughtful/narcissistic enough to upload photos of their UI sketches, and I find them fascinating.

Miami Heat

So I get back from conference/holiday and I have to do a 1 hour presentation to all my colleagues about what I learnt this Friday. I actually wrote a rant about how introspective IA was becoming whilst getting sun burnt eye lids (the mrs laughed at my pink eye shadow for the next 3 days) but I’ll post that up later…(not the picture of my sun burn)

From the conference;

  • Jared Spool made me think alot about teams and ways of working
  • Yahoo Patterns will save the world
  • Context is king – more now than ever (Luke Wroblewoski showed the way)

I will post up the amateurish presentation from their insights when I’m done on Slideshare if you are interested.

If we want to use the plugins for WordPress which are excellent we will have to host it on a server, Mike I think thats what you do? Perhaps you can help here…